Visit our Location

301 SR 26 Melrose, FL 32666

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(352) 475-2924

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Melrose, Florida 32666

Opening Hours

Friday, Saturday, & Sunday 12PM - 5PM

Monday 10AM - 2PM

Tuesday 4PM - 7PM

Mossman Hall

(352) 475-1273

301 SR 26 Melrose FL 32666

Mossman Hall Membership Agreement

Mission Statement

Mossman exists to serve its members by providing them a venue to exhibit their artwork, meet one another, teach classes, and promote a friendly and inspiring artistic atmosphere within the community; to strengthen the community culturally and economically by fostering the visual and performing arts; and to encourage community participation by hosting free to the public events such as openings, book signings, and club meetings.

Members’ Rights and Responsibilities

​Because the Mossman Foundation is a not for profit organization and a working co-operative the following conditions must be agreed upon by applicants in advance of consideration for membership.


Mossman Hall has three membership levels: working members, non-working members and studio members.

Non-working membership: Non-working members will not be required to work shifts or to staff events. The non-working membership fee is $75.00 per month. Mossman Hall will retain a 20% donation on items sold by you.

Working membership: Working members volunteer to work one full shift a month and to setup and/or staff any community and special events as needed. The working membership fee is $40.00 per month. Mossman Hall will retain a 20% donation on items sold by you.

Studio Membership: The Studio fees are based on the size of the studio available. Your studio fee will cover your working membership fee of $40.00 per month. If you choose to be a nonworking member and have a studio, add an additional $35.00 donation to your studio fee. Mossman Hall will retain a 20% donation on sales by you.

Please check appropriate box(es)

□ I am applying for a non-working membership and agree to donate to The Mossman Foundation $75.00 per month and a 20% donation on my sales

□ I am applying for a non-working studio membership and agree donate to the Mossman Foundation __________ per month, plus an additional $35.00 and a 20% donation on my sales.

□ I am applying for a studio membership and agree donate to the Mossman Foundation __________ per month and a 20% donation on my sales.

□ I am applying for a working membership and I agree to donate to The Mossman Foundation $40 per month and a 20% donation on my sales.

As a working member, I agree to the following:

□ I will work one full shift a month to keep the gallery open. (A shift is 6 hours.)

I prefer __Friday, __Saturday, __Sunday, __Monday (check all preferences)

Please read and check each box

□ I will be available to set up and/or staff gallery events as needed, equal to other member’s participation.

□ I understand working an event is not a substitute for my 6-hour shift.

□ It is my responsibility to schedule my shift each month by contacting Stasia Pieczenik at stasiarudolph@yahoo.com

□ If I cannot work my shift it is my responsibility to have a member cover for me.

□ I will attend membership meetings.

□ I will bring my work in priced and ready to display including properly framed. (You are also responsible for inventorying your work on the Mossman computer in the office area).


Please read and check each box

□ The Mossman Foundation will withhold 20% on your sales as a donation to the Foundation.

□ You will be responsible for paying your sales tax. The Sales tax will be collected at the point of sale and will be returned to you in your monthly sales.

□ Artists will be paid monthly for any work sold.

□ If your sales exceed $600 for the year, you will receive a 1099 by the end of January. □ Monthly membership is due by the last day of each month for the following month.

□ Dues over 7 days late will be assessed a $10.00 late fee. If you have not sent in your donation by the 10th of the month your work will be subject to removal from the display area unless prior arrangements have been made.

□ Memberships not paid within 30 days will result in termination from the gallery. Items not removed from the display area will become property of the Foundation.

□ The Mossman Foundation agrees to give 30 days’ notice for any changes.


Please read and check each box

□ The Foundation requests 30-day notice prior to ending membership.

□ Member requirements must be met for final month.

□ Keys must be returned to Betty Bennett.

□ Failure to keep commitments may result in termination of your participation.

□ If a member fails to respond to e-mails or other means of communication for more than 30 days their work will be deemed abandoned and become the property of Mossman Foundation.

General Gallery Rules

Your membership is important to us and everyone is to be treated equally.

-Greet visitors in a courteous, helpful manner.

-Treat one another with respect.

-Record on the daily ledger the number of visitors during your shift

-Record on sales sheet all sales for the day.

-Note in daily ledger and on white board in office needs such as cleaning and paper supplies.

-Keys are inventoried and signed for, replacement key charge is $10.

-Follow checklist when opening and closing building (will be posted in the office).

-Submission requirements apply to all new, existing and replacement artwork.

-Your work will be displayed in an artistic and professional manner. Display of artwork is the responsibility of the display committee. Work that needs to be changed out will be done so by display committee. Do not change it yourself unless approved by committee.

-No smoking inside the building.

-As a representative of The Mossman Foundation proper dress and hygiene are required.

-Do not leave the building unattended. In emergency, lock door and leave note.

-No storage of food or groceries in gallery; keep it in the kitchen area and take it with you when you leave.

-No storage of items in shed without approval.

-No posting of advertising in gallery without board approval.

-Tables are set up for special events only and must be removed during gallery hours.

-Only office personnel and members working on special events are allowed in gallery during hours when gallery is closed to the public

Board Member Contact Information

​James Chapman, Director: jchap9@bellsouth.net

MaryAnn Clawson: paintedplanet2@yahoo.com

Floyd Curtis: grumpa654@gmail.com

Gail Davis, Director: meisgail1@yahoo.com

Nicole Goff, Director: girlwiththefishtattoo@gmail.com

​Stephen Jones, Director: anotherbrotherproductions@gmail.com

Kelvin Odway, Director: keowood@live.com

​Stasia Pieczenik, Treasurer: stasiarudolph@yahoo.com

Mandi Rokx: mandirokx@gmail.com

Amy Stanley: hicotn@gmail.com

I have read and agree to the above rights and responsibilities that accompany membership in Artists’ Cooperative at Mossman Hall.

Visit our Location

301 SR 26, Melrose, FL

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Or Mail us a letter



Melrose, Florida 32666

About Us

To strengthen our community culturally and economically by fostering the visual and performing arts

Open Hours

Friday - 12:00 PM-5:00 PM

Saturday - 12:00 PM-5:00 PM

Sunday - 12:00 PM-5:00 PM

Monday - 10:00 AM-2:00 PM

Tuesday - 4:00 PM-7:00 PM