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301 SR 26 Melrose, FL 32666

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(352) 475-2924

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Melrose, Florida 32666

Opening Hours

Friday, Saturday, & Sunday 12PM - 5PM

Monday 10AM - 2PM

Tuesday 4PM - 7PM

Rachel Silver giving a presentation on Vermicomposting was well received by the students from the Four Corners Home School and members of the community.

Mossman Hall Community Garden is a place where members of the community can garden and acquire knowledge on organic gardening techniques. Plots of land are now available for lease on a first-come first-served basis. For plot assignment fill out the Application form below and return it with your remittance to Mossman Hall during normal business hours. For additional information contact Mossman Hall by visiting during normal business hours or by phone, email, or US mail.

Mossman Home Preservation Foundation

301 State Highway 26, Melrose, FL, United States 32666

Phone: 352-475-2924

eMail: mossmanhall@gmail.com

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 75

Melrose, FL 32666












​Gardener Responsibilities and Rules

WATER is a valuable resource and should be conserved. Sprinklers should not be kept running for more than thirty (30) minutes at a time and should never be run all night. Water in the morning during the summer. Sprinklers and timers are not provided by the Organic Garden.

FERTILIZERS AND PESTICIDES: Only fertilizers from natural sources are allowed in the garden. These are primarily animal manure and compost.

The compost produced here is for all to use (as with the manure, remember your neighbors). Please contribute your garden weeds, trimmings, etc., and other plant waste such as grasses, leaves, kitchen scraps, etc. See the Composting Guidelines page.

Chemical pesticides are not allowed. All too often, these products kill indiscriminately, and , by eliminating beneficial insects, birds, etc., upset a delicate balance. In nature, generally the strong prey upon the weak; it follows that destructive insects will prefer poorly-cultivated, undernourished plants. A clean carefully cultivated garden in a high state of fertility is our best defense against predators. Companion plantings and crop rotation are also effective measures.

TRASH: The Mossman Hall Community Garden does not have trash pick-up. Put plant debris in the open compost bin and take home non-biodegradable materials such as plastic.

PATHWAYS: Garden paths must remain 5 feet wide and accessible at all times. The paths must be level and clear of tools, debris, and overhanging vegetation. Personal items such as buckets, stakes, and hand tools must be stored on the plot. When they are no longer of use, they must be taken off-site and disposed.

FENCES: Fences must not block paths or shade neighboring plots and they must be sturdy and adequately maintained. If a fence does not comply with the following rules, the owner will be asked to remove it:

Fences and trellises are allowed only within a plot or on the plot border. If a fence is constructed on the plot border, then vegetation must not be planted outside of the fence.

Fences must not be taller than 6 feet.

Chicken wire or plastic mesh must not be used in fence construction.

Fences must be kept free of weeds. Vines such as lufa must be kept trimmed so that they do not encroach on neighboring plots.

Fences that are failing (e.g., bending or breaking) must be repaired or removed.

Broken, non-biodegradable materials must be taken off-site.

This documents source was the UF Organic Garden Cooperative website

Updated 2/09/2021

Garden plots for the fall garden season are available for rent. Mossman Community Garden has several plots available. The plots are $15.00 per season or $25.00 per year with a $30.00 refundable deposit. Garden volunteers are available to show the plots and information about the garden is available on the Mossman webpage and at Mossnan Hall. There are a small number of scholarships available for low-income residents. For more information email shereesims2020@icloud.com.

Operating Policies

OBJECTIVES: To teach and learn organic gardening principles, the use of non-residual pesticides and natural fertilizers, and how to achieve a natural balance between material put into the garden and material removed.

ORGANIC GARDENING PRINCIPLES: The building of soil fertility through the use of natural fertilizers such as manures, compost, mulches, and powdered rock. ONLY natural pest controls may be used.

ENROLLMENT AND RENEWAL: Enrollment and renewal occur in February and September of every year. All new members are required to complete an Enrollment and release form. Download the form here: OGC Enrollment Form.pdf. Please complete the form, sign it, and return to the Plot Coordinator (see Officers/Administrative Contacts page).

PLOT RENTAL CHARGE: There is $15 charge for each 6 month garden season, payable during the February and September work parties. Plots can be rented on an annual basis for $25.

REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT: A $30 per plot refundable deposit is required from each new gardener. Participation in the garden is viewed as a 12-month responsibility; to that end, the deposit serves as a reminder of the need to keep individual plots from falling into a state of neglect. As gardeners, we have a particular interest in cleanliness and good management -- this land should be as beautiful and productive as we can make it -- a source of pleasure and learning for the entire community. Your deposit will be refunded when you leave your plot, provided it is clean, recently weeded, and ready for the next gardener.

This documents source was the UF Organic Garden Cooperative website

Updated 2/09/2021 : Enrollment and renewal occur in February and September of every year. All new members are required to complete an Enrollment and release form. Download the form here: OGC Enrollment Form.pdf. Please complete the form, sign it, and return to the Plot Coordinator (see Officers/Administrative Contacts page).

PLOT RENTAL DONATION: There is a suggested donation of $15 charge for each 6 month garden season, payable during the February and September work parties. Plots can be rented on an annual basis for a donation of $25.

REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT: A $30 per plot refundable deposit is required from each new gardener. Participation in the garden is viewed as a 12-month responsibility; to that end, the deposit serves as a reminder of the need to keep individual plots from falling into a state of neglect. As gardeners, we have a particular interest in cleanliness and good management -- this land should be as beautiful and productive as we can make it -- a source of pleasure and learning for the entire community. Your deposit will be refunded when you leave your plot, provided it is clean, recently weeded, and ready for the next gardener.

This documents source was the UF Organic Garden Cooperative website

Updated 2/09/2021

Gardener Responsibilities and Rules

WATER is a valuable resource and should be conserved. Sprinklers should not be kept running for more than thirty (30) minutes at a time and should never be run all night. Water in the morning during the summer. Sprinklers and timers are not provided by the Organic Garden.

FERTILIZERS AND PESTICIDES: Only fertilizers from natural sources are allowed in the garden. These are primarily animal manure and compost.

The compost produced here is for all to use (as with the manure, remember your neighbors). Please contribute your garden weeds, trimmings, etc., and other plant waste such as grasses, leaves, kitchen scraps, etc. See the Composting Guidelines page.

Chemical pesticides are not allowed. All too often, these products kill indiscriminately, and , by eliminating beneficial insects, birds, etc., upset a delicate balance. In nature, generally the strong prey upon the weak; it follows that destructive insects will prefer poorly-cultivated, undernourished plants. A clean carefully cultivated garden in a high state of fertility is our best defense against predators. Companion plantings and crop rotation are also effective measures.

TRASH: The Mossman Hall Community Garden does not have trash pick-up. Put plant debris in the open compost bin and take home non-biodegradable materials such as plastic.

PATHWAYS: Garden paths must remain 5 feet wide and accessible at all times. The paths must be level and clear of tools, debris, and overhanging vegetation. Personal items such as buckets, stakes, and hand tools must be stored on the plot. When they are no longer of use, they must be taken off-site and disposed.

FENCES: Fences must not block paths or shade neighboring plots and they must be sturdy and adequately maintained. If a fence does not comply with the following rules, the owner will be asked to remove it:

Fences and trellises are allowed only within a plot or on the plot border. If a fence is constructed on the plot border, then vegetation must not be planted outside of the fence.

Fences must not be taller than 6 feet.

Chicken wire or plastic mesh must not be used in fence construction.

Fences must be kept free of weeds. Vines such as lufa must be kept trimmed so that they do not encroach on neighboring plots.

Fences that are failing (e.g., bending or breaking) must be repaired or removed.

Broken, non-biodegradable materials must be taken off-site.

This documents source was the UF Organic Garden Cooperative website

Updated 2/09/2021

The Community Garden is located on the southeast corner of the property and is subdivided into 15 plots approximately 12' by 16'. There is plenty of room for members of the community to raise flowers, fruits, and vegetables. Plot assignment will begin in the fall of 2020. There will be a refundable deposit of $30 for each plot which will be returned when a gardener has cleaned off his/her plot for the next gardener. Suggested Plot donation will be $15 for half a year or $25 for the entire year. This is in addition to the one time payment of the refundable $30 deposit. If you have an interest in having a plot in the Community Garden please contact Mossman Hall to reserve your place in the garden.

Visit our Location

301 SR 26, Melrose, FL

Give us a Call

Send us a Message

Or Mail us a letter



Melrose, Florida 32666

About Us

To strengthen our community culturally and economically by fostering the visual and performing arts

Open Hours

Friday - 12:00 PM-5:00 PM

Saturday - 12:00 PM-5:00 PM

Sunday - 12:00 PM-5:00 PM

Monday - 10:00 AM-2:00 PM

Tuesday - 4:00 PM-7:00 PM